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Self Development

We all can work hard and develop our skills and talents ourselves. Every successful person has self-development as a banner behind him or her.

 You can definitely claim that you are the boss of yourself. You can do anything to develop yourself, your attitude and your talents. You are the master of your destiny. No one can stop you to do the right things at the right time if you have that strong desire to get up and go. 

You have absolute freedom to choose your own route to success, progress and prosperity. You can become whatever you want to be and no one can hold you back if you have a strong wish, deep determination and serious self-confidence. This world is not for cowards and if you display simple bravery within yourself you are sure to be successful in everything you plan to do. I am not asking you to fly but I want you to gather all your potentials and divert your good energy towards success and beat every failure that you face. This can be done by everyone who treasurers determination and perseverance. I have used these workable ideas myself and many of my students have given me their feedback that these ideas and suggestions have worked for them to enrich their work and family life tremendously.

 You too can experience many changes by interpreting these ideas the way you want. A motivator can assist you to achieve your desired results but you alone have to develop a burning desire within you to excel, move forward and progress to learn and prosper. 

You must fully understand that you are the key to your own development. If you can visualize and understand one of the greatest powers that are hidden within you then you will be able to achieve peak performance. You alone can make the difference to yourself. 

I can Motivating the Unmotivated 14 Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad give you the most powerful sentence that contains ten two-letter words and this statement will help you bring the needed change within you and boost your self-esteem to conduct your selfdevelopment. One of my favourite teachers gave me this powerful mantra and it has given me a lot of enthusiasm and encouragement in life: “IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME”. 

This ten two letter word sentence has done miracles for me and it would help you too. You have to convince yourself that everything that you do depends on you and your determination. So you can develop your own prayer for success and self-development. IADOM - “IT ALL DEPENDS ON ME” If the above statements become your daily mantra then you will definitely develop full confidence in your words, actions, thoughts, character and heart. They will WATCH your progress and help you build a unique personality.

 So there are a lot of reasons to place complete trust in yourself and your conduct by emulating and practicing the idea behind these simple statements. Once you begin to hold your belief in these statements, help and assistance will come to you in abundance from many directions. Certainly then, if you want to help yourself develop strongly and intelligently and want to be successful to meet the increasing challenges of the twenty-first century you need to look at another very simple statement. Learn to say, “I CAN” at every step of your mental, physical and social development.

 “I CAN” has been a positive statement and it has the power to create a miracle within you and in your life. It will have a flow-on effect on your family, friends and work mates if you firmly believe in the strength of this simple sentence. During my university days I remember writing this sentence in bold capital letters on a large sheet of cardboard and hanging it on my Motivating the Unmotivated 15 Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad bedroom and study wall. These four letters of the alphabet certainly brought a lot of success and progress for me over the years to change my overall attitude to living, learning, listening and working. I found an appropriate word for each of the four letters to enhance my living style. You too can completely change your personality and attitude to perform if you fully understood the meaning and rationale hidden behind these four words.

 Each of these four letters of the sentence I C A N represents a very strong theme of self-development, selfimage and self-confidence in every person. This concept is as easy as ABCDI because “Any Body can do it”. You need only two things to succeed in this endeavour. ‘Your faith in you’ and ‘your determination to do it well’.

 ‘I’ stands for IMAGINATION – It is the gateway to reality and the playhouse of your mind. The sky should be the limit to your realistic imagination. The greater the imagination the greater the result. ‘C’ develops your COMMITMENT – It gives you power and glory to your visions and your realistic dreams. It makes your dreams come true because you become committed to whatever you imagine. ‘A’ takes you to AFFIRMATION – It is the foundation of your new dimension, clear direction and proper perspective. All your committed imaginations are solidly consolidated and affirmed. You keep reminding yourself of your obligation and keep refining your goals. ‘N’ makes you NEVER GIVE UP -This is the firm resolution of all your real dreams and vision leading you to success and creativity. Whatever difficulty comes in your life you learn to forge ahead with greater enthusiasm and force. Therefore, I believe that the sentence “I CAN” is one of the real answers and practical solutions for all your progress and prosperity.

 So say, “I CAN” to everything you want to do and you will assure and guarantee your success. This prescription of “I CAN” will Motivating the Unmotivated 16 Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad certainly provide the needed answer to your efficiency and effectiveness and assist you to motivate yourself first and then those that are unmotivated. Do not just say that “I will do my best” or “I will try my best” but learn to always say “I CAN” because this emotion will give you the necessary confidence and determination to move towards selfdevelopment. If you keep saying, “I CAN” with full confidence and faith then your whole body and mind get conditioned and will respond and react accordingly. Thus all your work will become challenging but possible. I found that the only pre-requisite for all these is that you must have your firm belief and faith in the power of these human qualities. Your imagination must be real and you must be fully committed to all that you imagine. Naturally you will need to remind yourself of your realistic dreams and visions by continuously affirming and keeping your ideas alive. This will be your affirmation and may need constant reminders. There may be ups and downs before reaching the final results but you have to learn never to give up if you want to succeed and be a leader of the future economic revolution. Some of us believe that there is always a better life in store for all of us and we possess the power to choose to break loose from the hypnotizing forces of our negative thoughts and deeds that sometimes imprison us. 

We can get out of this terrible cage if we know how to use the principles of “I CAN”. However, some of us remain in that cage of ignorance and negativism and give up trying to free ourselves. Consequently we find failure in life and work. Of course, there are many more of us who are fully geared and prepared to get out of this bondage and prison of negative thoughts. These are the successful people who are on the possible route of becoming the winners and champions.

 In fact everyone can be a winner and a champion by following the four dynamic human qualities I have described here. You should not delay acting on this prescription because I believe that ease brings disease. Learning to do it now will give you a lot of advantages. Motivating the Unmotivated 17 Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad So a person who is out to conduct self-development becomes enlightened and self-confident .

The person who seeks carefully, finds success and learns to rejoice and enjoy family and work life. You can achieve great success by setting your goals right and carefully. Then be committed to your set goals through your determination in order to achieve the best results. 

Remember, nothing is impossible if you are willing to give it a go. “The aged are not so strong but can pass their knowledge to the youth who have the strength.” An old friend of mine gave this pictorial explanation to me and it shows how we can motivate people. Those who are willing workers are already doing well but those who are not need either coercion or incentive. Which one are you?

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