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Motivating the Unmotivated
Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad
of presentation can assist people in need of ideas for motivating the
unmotivated in the 21st century.
The subject that I have chosen for my presentation is “Moving Ahead
With Self-Motivation” and I hope to cover various aspects of this
topic and reveal how the knowledge and skills relating to motivation
can enrich people’s own life and daily activities thereby making
these attributes rub-off to benefit other colleagues and work mates.
I have found out that anyone who wants to be successful in the
twenty first century has to take initiative and learn to be firm, fair and
functional. It is increasingly realized that the path of human success
and development begins within a person. So to thrive on the
challenges that lie ahead one has to constantly and continuously
pioneer, create, develop and construct ones future route if proper
progress, prosperity and peace are the intended objectives.
You would definitely agree with me that our life should be a
adventure, an ongoing series of rich experiences, a process of
setting realistic goals and achieving fulfilment by realizing these
aspects. We would certainly appreciate it if everyday can bring a
spiritual triumph to us like the bright and warm sun bursting through
the dark clouds.
People who aim to be effective, efficient and successful in life have
to gradually learn to meet the current and future challenges of their
lives by first taking a hard, careful and serious assessment of their
daily activities and themselves. My own finding is that those of us
who take time to continuously and constantly evaluate our daily
living and examine ourselves thoroughly and without prejudice are
able to detect their own strengths, weaknesses, talents and
My aim is simple. I want to help people to penetrate the fog, clear
the clouds and look into their inner self to grasp their confidence,
their success orientation and the radiance around them. Many
people have done this and so can everyone around us.
Motivating the Unmotivated
Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad
This self-realization or the deeper knowledge of our self adequately
and strongly equips us to search and find workable ideas; solutions
and strategies to further improve our performance and competence.
However, those of us who have many untimely needs and demands,
disorganized attitudes and uncontrolled timetables and schedules,
are not able to look inwards and assess our daily living critically.
Consequently we meet many failures and insurmountable problems.
In the circumstances we can only put the blame on ourselves.
If self-assessment is not high on the agenda of our daily living and
we are not able to give high priority to this aspect then definitely we
would not be able to take full advantage of the many glaring
opportunities that knock at our door continuously.
Thus the multiple
golden opportunities grow smaller and smaller and get lost in the
terrible darkness of our lives. They become our threats,
weaknesses, difficulties and cause a lot of negative growth within
our environment and us.
Some people learn to get up and go without much pushing and
encouragement because they have done their self assessment and
have a definite objective in life but there are many of us who require
the art and skills of self motivation because we lack the necessary
discipline, knowledge and enthusiasm.
Knowledge is our power and information is our technology of the
future therefore we need to be fully motivated to take the advantage
of all the opportunities that lie ahead in our path. Knowledge of who
you are and the information about the people, places and practices
make us fully prepared to face the world we are going to live in the
Anyone who loves change, has desire for fast paced innovation and
become a thrill-seeker is definitely ready to be motivated. To learn to
motivate yourself is one of the best prescriptions for moving ahead
and excel further in your chosen profession or trade. Motivated
people are certainly peak performers and high achievers ready to
move ahead with vigour.
Motivating the Unmotivated
Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad
While working as a human resource practitioner I always had a
strong dislike for individuals who were not performing well and I
developed a deep desire to improve their skills, talents and outlook. I
successfully managed to change people attitudes to work and life
generally. I was happy to transform them by giving them the
necessary tools of self-motivation.
I was successful because I developed a strong positive mental
attitude. I was successful because I took success as a ladder and
not an escalator. My success came to me because for me success
was not a destination but a long, continuous, exhilarating and
pleasant journey. Then I took a lesson from a wheelbarrow and
learnt to lift myself up from the right end and keep pushing in order
to be successful.
Of course, like a turtle I had to learn to stick my
neck out in order to move forward.
The ideas and suggestions contained in my presentation have come
from various sources- my personal experiences and practices, my
interactions with motivated leaders and people, my active
participations in family and community life and my own thoughts and
professional reading. We all can do these things and make our lives
full of meaning and purpose.
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